SMART Technologies Unveils the New Performance SMART Board RX Series, Empowering Teachers and Students with Advanced Features to Enhance Inclusion

Preview of the SMART Board RX series on a blue and green gradient background.

The highly anticipated SMART Board® RX series interactive display is the only interactive display on the market that offers user-programmable tools to help build more inclusive classrooms.

SMART Technologies has unveiled its latest innovation for education—the SMART Board RX series, a highly anticipated interactive display designed to empower teachers and students with advanced features that enhance inclusion in the classroom.

The SMART Board RX series is a revolutionary display that prioritizes accessibility, providing teachers with tools to make learning more engaging while saving valuable time. Key features include optically bonded glass and a multi-color stylus for a seamless inking experience, leading student device integration, and Google EDLA certification, offering native access to Google Play, Google Classroom, Chrome Browser, and other Google services.

The heart of the SMART Board RX series lies in its purposeful design to elevate classroom time into higher quality, inclusive, and accessible learning experiences. The exclusive Tool Explorer® technology stands out, recognizing programmable blocks with images such as emojis. Tool Explorer not only aids in social and emotional learning but also allows programmability, enabling teachers and students to communicate effectively, particularly benefiting non-verbal students or those with alternative communication preferences.

Key features of the SMART Board RX series include Android 13 for enhanced security and performance, simultaneous Tool Differentiation for collaborative work, a multi-color LED stylus for intuitive inking, NFC and QR code-based sign-in for added security, integrated sound bar, and environmental sensors for a healthier learning environment. Importantly, the RX series is designed for long-term sustainability, featuring an energy-efficient design and automatic over-the-air updates, allowing schools and districts to maximize their technology investment and deliver high-quality learning experiences for years to come.

"The SMART Board RX series represents a major leap forward in classroom technology," said Nicholas Svensson, CEO of SMART Technologies. "Our goal was not just to create another interactive display but rather an investment that helps to create inclusive, accessible classrooms that will stand the test of time.”

The SMART Board RX series is expected to ship in Spring 2024, marking a significant advancement in classroom technology and providing educators with a powerful tool to foster inclusive, engaging, and collaborative learning environments.

Read the full press release:
An image of a teacher holding a tablet, likely in an educational or professional setting, using technology to facilitate teaching and learning.

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