Mugdha Jain speaks about the importance of taking risks and self-confidence | Women in Tech

Graphic featuring an image of Mugdha Jain and the text reads “Women in Tech.”

Welcome to our Women in Tech blog series, where we will celebrate and highlight the incredible contributions of women in the technology industry, as well as at SMART Technologies. At SMART, we pride ourselves on fostering an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. As an equal-opportunity employer, we are delighted to showcase that 40% of our workforce comprises talented and innovative women who play integral roles across various facets of our organization. Through this series, we aim to share inspiring stories, insights, and experiences of women shaping the landscape of technology.

Mugdha Jain, Director of Software Development, comes to SMART with an inherent skill for leadership. Starting from her childhood interest in computers and problem solving, she dove head first into the world of computer science. Through various roles and projects at SMART over 17 years, Mugdha discovered the most important things in a career are flexibility, work-life balance, and opportunities to take risks and try new things. We hope you enjoy getting to know Mugdha Jain.

1. Tell me about your career journey. Where did you start? How did you land here at SMART?

My journey in the tech world began in India, where I pursued my passion for Computer Science and Engineering. Growing up, the career options seemed limited—either you became a doctor or an engineer. With a doctor father, the choice seemed apparent, but my fascination with computers changed the game. I vividly remember being introduced to basic programming in 9th or 10th grade, and that was the spark that ignited my interest. I enjoy solving problems, especially when it comes to data structures and algorithms.

Pursuing my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science further solidified my passion. After working at a consultancy in India, life took a turn when I moved to Calgary due to my husband's career in oil and gas.

Landing a job at SMART in 2007 felt like fate. Despite initial doubts about my lack of Canadian experience, SMART welcomed me with open arms. Even though I had multiple job options, SMART's involvement in the education industry made it an easy choice. The convenience of SMART's location, just four blocks from my home, was an unexpected bonus.

2. How has your role evolved while at SMART?

My role at SMART has undergone a significant evolution over the years. Initially, I joined as a developer, working on Notebook software integrating with Adobe Flash. However, as SMART's needs evolved, so did my role. I transitioned into project management, dev management, and also, product management. Each transition brought new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Now, as the Director of Software and Services, I oversee a team responsible for product development, DevOps and Data Platform. It's a role that requires a blend of leadership, coordination, and technical expertise, and I'm grateful for the trust SMART has placed in me to lead this team.

3. What brought you to SMART? And, what has kept you here for so long?

Initially, what brought me to SMART was primarily the impact it has on students. However, what has kept me here for over 17 years is a combination of factors that go beyond what we do for students. Firstly, SMART's exceptional work-life balance has allowed me to prioritize my family while still excelling in my career. As a mother, this balance is invaluable to me.

Secondly, the endless opportunities for growth and learning have kept me engaged and motivated. SMART has always been supportive of my career aspirations, allowing me to explore different roles and domains within the organization.

Lastly, the incredible people I work with make coming to work every day a joy. The collaborative and supportive culture at SMART fosters creativity, innovation, and personal development, making it a place where I can truly thrive.

4. What are you most proud of in your career so far?

One of the proudest moments in my career was leading the multi-regional service release project. It was a massive undertaking involving eight to nine dev teams and a tight deadline. Despite the challenges, we successfully completed the project on schedule, which was a significant achievement.

Additionally, initiating and leading SMART Code Club, a program aimed at providing coding education to students, has been incredibly rewarding. It's inspiring to see young minds develop essential tech skills and discover their passion for coding through this program.

5. Tell me about a pivotal moment in your career.

One pivotal moment in my career was when I took on the six-month opportunity as a dev manager. It was a risk, considering my lack of experience in management roles, but it turned out to be a transformative experience. This temporary role led to permanent positions in management and opened up new career opportunities for me within SMART.

Additionally, transitioning to product management during the Smart Admin Portal project was another pivotal moment. Despite the challenges, it allowed me to broaden my skill set and contribute to the organization in new ways.

6. What's a barrier you've had to overcome in the tech world?

Overcoming my own mental barriers has been one of the biggest challenges I've faced in the tech world. As an immigrant with different cultural interests and background, I initially doubted my ability to connect with colleagues and build meaningful relationships.

I just recently spoke on a panel featuring women in software engineering. Standing up there, I could feel all the real feelings of imposter syndrome. I started to question if anyone was really interested in what I had to say. When one of the women shared that they, too, were feeling the same feelings, we had a great conversation about imposter syndrome and how it is so common amongst women. The only solution is to build confidence in young girls (and boys) and expose them to many opportunities and careers.

I've learned to value my unique perspective and contributions. By embracing my differences and recognizing the value they bring to the table, I've been able to overcome these barriers and thrive in the tech industry.

7. What’s one thing people don’t know about you that they would be surprised to find out?

Despite not being a fan of driving, my family and I love embarking on road trips. We've driven to various destinations, including Chicago, New Mexico, California, and even Alaska. It's an adventure we cherish and a great way to bond as a family.

8. What do you like to do when you’re not at work?

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my kids and playing board games with them. I am also passionate about providing coding education to students through initiatives like the Code Club. It's fulfilling to empower young minds with essential tech skills and inspire the next generation of coders.

9. What advice would you give young women who might be pursuing a career in tech?

My advice to young women pursuing a career in tech would be to embrace risk-taking and never shy away from speaking up. Your unique perspective and contributions are valuable, so don't hesitate to share them with the world.

Additionally, prioritize work-life balance and never compromise on your family commitments while pursuing your career aspirations. Remember that you are capable of achieving great things, and don't let anyone or anything hold you back from reaching your full potential.

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