Roula Nasser, SMART’s CFO, on her journey in tech and leadership | Women in Tech

Graphic featuring an image of Roula Nasser and the text reads “Women in Tech.”
Welcome to our Women in Tech blog series, where we will celebrate and highlight the incredible contributions of women in the technology industry, as well as at SMART Technologies. At SMART, we pride ourselves on fostering an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. As an equal-opportunity employer, we are delighted to showcase that 40% of our workforce comprises talented and innovative women who play integral roles across various facets of our organization. Through this series, we aim to share inspiring stories, insights, and experiences of women shaping the landscape of technology.

To kick off this series, we sat down with Roula Nasser. Roula serves as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Executive Vice President at SMART Technologies, directing and overseeing the company's financial planning and reporting functions. Roula's proactive approach and emphasis on results drive strategic and financial evaluations that have facilitated transformative changes in SMART's business model, core processes, and infrastructure, positioning the company for future growth. Her guidance fosters a focus on key performance indicators, instilling an accountability-driven culture that has shaped SMART into a data-centric organization primed for expansion into new markets. We hope you enjoy this interview.

1. Tell me about your career journey. Where did you start? How did you land here at SMART?

After earning my degree from the University of Calgary, I immediately entered the oil and gas sector, a thriving industry in Calgary at the time. A couple of years later, we relocated to Toronto, and the scarcity of opportunities in the oil and gas field challenged me to reassess my career path. This led me to embrace a role at a technology management consulting firm that offered services across various sectors. It was here that I discovered my genuine passion for technology; a field that perfectly aligns with my identity and interests, characterized by innovation and agility. My newfound passion led me into the pharmaceutical software domain, marking the start of my journey in the technology sector.

My career trajectory took another turn when we moved back to Calgary to support my mother-in-law during her cancer treatment. At this time, I was working for Blackberry, commuting between cities on weekends, a challenging schedule given the lack of flexible work arrangements pre-COVID. This routine was unsustainable, prompting me to seek employment closer to home. With my extensive background in both hardware and software, as well as my vast experience spanning 20 years in the technology industry, I was drawn to SMART. This was the beginning of my latest chapter in Calgary, where I continue to explore my passion within the tech landscape.

2. How has your role evolved while at SMART? How has it evolved since returning to SMART?

When joining SMART, I assumed the role of Vice President of Finance and Business Management, initially focusing on the education sector before quickly broadening my scope to encompass the enterprise business unit. My responsibilities were comprehensive, supporting the business unit presidents in managing profit and loss, developing go-to-market strategies and pricing, overseeing sales and operational planning, forecasting, and providing strategic insights, among other duties.

Between 2013 and 2016, my efforts were dedicated to fostering SMART's success, playing a supportive role that facilitated the company's growth and development. After a brief leave, I returned to SMART in 2019, not only reprising my role as Vice President of Finance but also embarking on a mission to demonstrate our potential for business expansion. My commitment and contributions were recognized in 2020 with a promotion to Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a pivotal transition that shifted my focus from merely enabling to actively driving SMART's future direction.

3. What brought you to SMART?

The decision to relocate back to Calgary played a crucial role, but my interest in SMART was fundamentally anchored in my extensive background in technology. By 2013, SMART emerged as a pioneering entity within the city's technology landscape, an aspect that initially captivated my attention. However, what has sustained my engagement and daily motivation at SMART transcends the realm of technology; it's the profound connection between my personal upbringing and the company's mission that truly resonates with me.

Growing up as the child of school principals, I was intimately exposed to educational challenges and objectives from a young age. This unique perspective has made me deeply appreciate the tools and solutions we provide at SMART, which empower educators and the forthcoming generation of learners to realize their ambitions.

At SMART, we are driven by our brand purpose to "Inspire Greatness," with a promise centered on "Connections that Matter." This captures the essence of our work — the invaluable, immeasurable impact of fostering meaningful connections. This vision not only fuels my passion but also inspires our collective pursuit to continually evolve and enhance the support we extend to our customers, educators, and students alike. It's the commitment to these intangible values that motivates us to strive for excellence in every facet of our mission.

4. What do you enjoy most about working at SMART?

At SMART, the essence of our organization is embedded in three core elements: our people, our purpose, and our culture. The passion of our mission is a universal sentiment that resonates across all teams, from engineering to sales to enabling teams. Each member is deeply invested in the meaningful impact our work achieves.

Our culture stands as a robust foundation, having been both a beacon and a shelter through various challenges. The resilience and unity of our team have been pivotal in navigating through these times. The fabric of our culture is interwoven with a framework of values and behaviors that guide us. This framework emphasizes customer centricity, connectivity, accountability, and execution, acting as steadfast pillars for our actions and decisions.

It's the adherence to these principles ensuring that every effort we make is aligned with our commitment to not just achieve but to inspire and empower. That resonates with me.

5. What are you most proud of in your career, so far?

The foundation of my pride in SMART lies in our people; and their remarkable achievements, driven by a strong sense of purpose and dedication. I am endlessly grateful for my team, whose unwavering support and ability to align with my high expectations have been pivotal. Their resilience in providing crucial insights, understanding the dynamic nature of our industry, and assisting in reevaluating strategies is a source of immense pride for me.

A particularly significant point of pride is the representation and leadership of women within SMART. It's incredibly important to me that women constitute 40% of our workforce and leadership, holding positions of influence and authority. This is not just a testament to our commitment to diversity and equality but also aligns with research indicating that companies with women in leadership roles tend to outperform the market.

Lastly, I am proud of our tangible outcomes. Our profitability reflects the efficacy of our collective vision and the strength of our brand promise. The connections we forge daily not only underpin our current success but promise to fuel our continued growth. I am confident this commitment will continue to yield positive results.

6. Tell me about a pivotal moment in your career.

Even after completing my university education and achieving numerous milestones, I felt a persistent need for further development. Merely holding a degree didn't seem adequate for the aspirations I held. This realization led me to pursue a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation, a decision that significantly molded who I am today. The journey to obtain my CPA was exceptionally challenging, juggling full-time work and the responsibilities of parenting three children while navigating the demanding coursework. Despite these hurdles, what I achieved through this endeavor and the profound appreciation I've developed for the CPA qualification are immeasurable. This experience not only enhanced my professional capabilities but also instilled a resilience and dedication that continues to influence my approach to challenges and opportunities alike.

7. What was a barrier that you had to overcome in your career?

Facing the challenges inherent in the technology sector, particularly in the late 90s when it was predominantly male-driven, the obstacles I encountered were predominantly mental, yet at times felt almost physical. Securing my position in this environment demanded more than just showing up; I had to demonstrate that my presence and contributions were based on merit and deserved recognition, not gender.

Despite the hurdles, it fueled my determination to not only be heard but also respected for my expertise and insights. Being trilingual, with Arabic and French as my first languages, and English as my third, presented its own set of challenges. I embarked on an intensive journey to not only master the English language but also to immerse myself in my field of expertise. This effort wasn't just about linguistic proficiency; it was about becoming a recognized authority in my domain, capable of confidently sharing my knowledge and insights. My journey through these barriers has been a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that continues to fuel my growth.

8. What’s one thing people don’t know about you that they would be surprised to find out?

Many people are unaware that my childhood was marked by the traumatic experience of living through the invasion of my homeland, growing up amidst the chaos of a country ravaged by war. This early life experience profoundly shaped my perspective, instilling in me a deep appreciation for the peace and opportunities I now have. It's a reminder of how fortunate I am to live in a time and place where I can look forward to each day and make meaningful contributions.

Adding another layer to my journey was the challenge of adopting a new language upon my initial arrival in Calgary in the late 80’s. With Arabic and French as my native tongues, my command of English was minimal. Yet, I found myself enrolled in an English 30 course in grade 12, a daunting prospect for someone barely acquainted with the language. This situation demanded not just courage but an unwavering commitment to rapidly master English. This chapter of my life wasn't just about learning a new language; it was about overcoming barriers, adapting to new realities, and relentlessly pursuing my academic and professional aspirations.

9. What do you like to do when you’re not at work?

My commitment to contributing positively to the community extends into my involvement with CPA session leadership and mentorship programs. Through these roles, I aim to give back by sharing my knowledge and experiences, guiding aspiring professionals on their journey towards becoming Certified Public Accountants. This engagement reflects my belief in the importance of support and guidance in professional growth.

Family holds a paramount place in my life. I am dedicated to the well-being of my elderly mother, overseeing her care with the same diligence and love she once provided me. Additionally, I cherish the moments spent with my three adult children, whose successes fill me with pride and joy. These family ties are a source of strength and motivation, emphasizing the significance of nurturing relationships.

When time permits, cooking becomes a creative outlet for me, allowing me to explore flavors and culinary traditions. Yet, it's traveling that truly captivates my spirit. The opportunity to immerse myself in diverse cultures, witness the differences and similarities of people's lives, and absorb the beauty of our world broadens my perspective. These experiences create a deeper appreciation and reminds me of the value of understanding and embracing differences.

10. What advice would you give young women who might be pursuing a career in tech?

First of all, follow your instincts and believe in your capabilities: this forms the cornerstone of personal and professional growth. I will also emphasize the importance of nurturing a growth mindset. It’s essential to perceive challenges not as insurmountable obstacles but as stepping stones towards development and learning.

I advocate a perspective where "no" is not just a rejection but a redirection towards “new opportunities”. It signifies the dawn of an opportunity that encourages further exploration and discovery. This mindset enhances resilience, creativity, and the pursuit of life’s mission, reminding us that every setback is merely a setup for a greater comeback. Adopting this attitude can transform the way we approach our ambitions, inspiring us to persist, innovate, and ultimately thrive in our endeavors.

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