When you choose SMART, you get powerful solutions for student engagement and so much more.
You get the support of a seriously experienced, time-tested EdTech company, ready to train, educate, and support, plus:
Teachers love Lumio
Our award-winning learning software empowers teachers to transform any lesson into an engaging learning experience. From collaborative workspaces to on-the-fly assessments to game-based learning, Lumio equips teachers with everything they need to deliver dynamic lessons every single day.
Have confidence in your decision
Everything you need to make the right purchase
Specs, price, privacy and security, compatibility, and usability are just a few of the components that tech buyers have to weigh as they advocate for their technology purchases.
In our Buyer’s Guide for interactive displays, we’ve made it easy to ensure you cover every base as you assess your display options.
Download the Buyer’s GuideConsidering other brands?
Low-quality displays may cost more than you think.
Bargain buys can result in hidden costs that are more than you bargained for. Make sure you know the true cost of a display before you purchase.
Download our white paper so you can be sure you’re getting the most for your money.
Download the white paper