The secret to delivering more effective corporate training

Three professionals collaborating on an interactive display for business

Creating the right environment for dynamic, impactful training is vital to effective learning and development. How can you bring this to life for your team? The best corporate training solutions facilitate high levels of engagement and retention through rich, interactive experiences.

Employees crave participation and collaboration in learning and development opportunities. “They appreciate activities where they have an active role in the learning, and they’re not passive listeners,” says Juan Otero, training consultant and owner of Tecadi Training Technologies. “Then the activity is much more rewarding and effective for them.” As a training consultant with deep experience in corporate training, Otero is well versed in helping companies facilitate effective learning and development strategies.

Instructor-led training is more impactful when participants are involved in discussions and activities, rather than when one person directs the conversation. In addition, facilitators can raise the energy levels of face-to-face training when cooperation and communication are supported.

In this article, we’ll cover how interactive corporate training benefits your employees and your business, and what you’ll need to deliver it effectively.

The power of engaging and interactive corporate training

Why does effective corporate training matter so much (and why is it crucial that business leaders consider corporate training strategies)? Companies that offer comprehensive training see a 24% higher profit margin than those that spend less on training, according to LinkedIn.

Interaction is key. Dynamic, interactive presentations can boost engagement, creating more meaningful training that employees can contribute to and that they’ll remember. 

Understanding of training content improves when employees can participate in the learning process. The resulting knowledge capture means better performance for both employees and the company. There may come a day when we directly view training as “performance support”, says Otero, who strongly recommends attaching training to business outcomes.

It’s no longer enough to offer static presentations that don’t come to life for your team members. Employees want valuable, engaging training opportunities. To help ensure your training is memorable, explore how you can make the content feel meaningful to trainees.

What tools do you need to deliver effective training?

Companies that are proactive about professional development tend to retain their best employees. Asking your employees about their learning and development goals, and creating customised training paths for them shows your commitment to their growth and can build strong loyalty within your team.

“Start with a needs assessment,” says Otero, “What is the problem? What are you trying to achieve?” From these initial steps, you can then identify the audience for the training you’re developing and the resources they’ll need.

Next, determine who is best equipped to create the training components and how best to facilitate learning.

Using the right tech is essential to ensure your training is as impactful as possible. For example, participants often remember strong visuals long after the session, while collaborative tools allow teams to engage and interact with content in any environment.

Otero encourages business owners to evaluate available technology to increase the impact of training sessions. To support effective corporate training, you’ll require tools and technology that facilitate:

  • Efficient information exchange between teams/members
  • Visualisation of workflows
  • Ensuring collaboration toward shared goals
  • Execution planning and project management
  • Visualisation of plans, designs, and processes as needed 
  • Being able to engage groups of all sizes
  • Finding ways to have meetings that enable unstructured and organic discussions

To make a lasting impact on your team, training must be designed to be memorable, dynamic, interactive, and engaging. With tools that support your team in reaching their learning and development goals, you can be sure you retain your brightest talent and help them achieve their highest potential.

Effective corporate training makes good business sense, especially when you consider the potential for increased profits and performance. Both can help you ensure a positive return on your investment in learning and development, so focus on delivering high-quality training and engaging your employees with rich, interactive experiences.

Want to make sure your training hits the mark? We’ve got more insights in our Corporate Training Hub.